Weekly Question 06/12/14 #LBHQuery

Since many of you may be coming to the show (and the site) for the first time, we decided to post our weekly question on the site. NOT because Todd & Leonard forgot to mention it during the show.

One of the news topics we discussed on this week’s episode was the rumors from the DIRT SHEETZ about Marvel cancelling Fantastic Four in preparation for the pending movie reboot from Fox.

To me, this is crazy! One of the original Marvel superhero books, no longer being published? Only guest appearances in other books? Is this something that could happen? Is this something that should happen?

And that’s the question to you: is there a property, whether it be Marvel, DC, Dark Horse or other, that could stop being published in their own books? Is it due to over exposure? Have they overstayed their welcome? Or do they just rub you the wrong way?

Just tweet us with your answer using the hash tag #LBHQuery (thanks David Kincannon!). Don’t like or have Twitter? Need more room to explain your choice? Just leave a comment on this post!

We’ll compile up all the answers and talk about them on next week’s show!

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