Weekly Question 09/09/14 #LBHQuery

We all love comics! That’s why were on the site and listening to the show. Both other than collect and read comics, what else do you do?


Do you collect statues or busts? I used to! Then my wife broke my favorite one (Kang) and so did my heart. That, and the pending arrival of the Man made me decide having rooms filled with expensive and fragile representations of things he (now) loves would be a recipe for disaster.


Or are you like our very own Todd who has more original comic book art than most museums? Or am I wrong about Todd and he has yet another comic book related passion?

So that to you, dear listener and reader, is our question this week. Other than the actual reading of comics, do you have another related hobby spinning from the world of comic books?

Just tweet at us with the hashtag #LBHQuery or if you need more than 140 characters, tell us below and we’ll talk about it all on next week’s show!

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