Weekly Question 07/18/14 #LBHQuery

Earlier this week, as mentioned on the show this week, Marvel announced some big changes for Thor:


Come this October, the one who wields the Hammer will be female. People were up in arms over this! Like it never happened before. This is comics folks, everything changes! Heck, my friend Gavin wrote an article about the other SEVEN TIMES that Thor was a woman.

And that got me thinking, this isn’t the first time Marvel has done this. A few years back, Pepper Potts donned a version of the Iron Man armor as Rescue.


Back in the 90’s, in the MC2 universe, Captain America was replaced by Sharon Carter’s niece as American Dream.


That can”t be right…oh wait, here’s the correct image.


Whilst these were mostly temporary, DC is not above adding to their universe female representations of their popular male heroes, like Supergirl


and Batgirl to name a few


So what about you? What is your favorite gender swapped comic book character? Was it from a ‘What If’ or ‘Elseworlds’? Was it female to male? What about the baddies? I’m sure someone out there likes the Joker’s Daughter!

Let us know in the comments section below or tweet them to us with the hashtag #LBHQuery

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