Todd & Joe Have Issues 05/11/17: Batman Adventures Mad Love May11


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Todd & Joe Have Issues 05/11/17: Batman Adventures Mad Love

The early to mid 90’s was a dark time for comics. Not in a ‘grim and gritty’ sort of way, but in a quality sort of way. Let’s not kid ourselves. Comics were sold more on the outside (fancy covers and whatnot) than the content inside. To get good comic stories, many had to turn to the TV with Batman the Animated Series. From there, we were introduced to someone who would become one of the biggest and most recognizable characters in recent memory, Harley Quinn.


When the Batman the Animated Series started an actual comic series, the Harley issues became the most sought after, so she got her own one shot/origin story, which was a bit more racy that I remember for an all ages book:


From there, she transitioned into the main DCU and was one of the real success stories of the new 52, where her redesign came under much scrutiny, but it was featured in the Suicide Squad feature film, so it’s here to stay!


Any discussion, thoughts, feelings, criticisms of this week’s selection can be placed below in the comments section. As well as suggestions about future choices for one shot issues to add to our list.

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