Weekly Question – Best Wolverine 02/04/16 Feb04


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Weekly Question – Best Wolverine 02/04/16

I think Wolverine gets a bad rep. Now, there was a period of time where he was maybe the most over exposed comic book character in history. Many people became familiar with Wolvie from the 90’s cartoon.

how to draw wolverine cartoon

For me, the very first time I truly became aware of Wolverine was this cover of Uncanny X-Men:


Around this time, Wolverine got his own ongoing series and as they say, the rest is history:


It’s surprising that it took so long for an X-Men movie to be made and Hugh Jackman made himself super famous by that portrayal:


So, our question to you dear listener/reader, is what is the best Wolverine? Do you want to pick an era, a story a costume a whatever you want!

Just tweet us with your answer using the hash tag #LBHQuery. Don’t like or have Twitter? Need more room to explain your choice? Just leave a comment on this post!

We’ll compile up all the answers and talk about them on next week’s show!

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