At Odds With Wrestling Episode 292 – Dancing Between the Raindrops May16


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At Odds With Wrestling Episode 292 – Dancing Between the Raindrops

How did Joe’s trip to SmackDown this week and how is Randy Orton now like Santa Claus? Lots and lots of ECW on This Day in Wrestling History as we are close to the debut of one of the most endearing characters in indie wrestling history, a Sliding Doors world where not only was Sid Vicious the ECW champ but also head booker and that time Eddie Guerrero loved the business more than anyone else ever. Talk of the Willow/Mercedes contract signing from AEW, should Jay Uso be world champion and that WrestleMania XL Behind the Curtain documentary. Then, we spin the Wheel of Rock for next week’s homework, your calls detailing more Lex Luger re-evaluation, are there any good dancing wrestlers and what could Eddie Kingston cook, Weekly Purchases with Adam’s yarn safari and the triumphant return of All Heat, No Heaters!

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