Weekly Question Indie Bracket Round Two Match Four 09/17/15

I will never sway the vote. Nope. All I can do it report the facts. And chose the pictures for these posts. NAY! The order in which the pictures are shown. As we prepare to determine the final four in the indie bracket, we see the number eight seed, Red Sonja:

red sonja

take on the number seven seed, representing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michelangelo:


Red Sonja wins, 8 to 5

Perhaps you don’t want to contribute to the poll, that’s cool. You do your thing.  You can tweet your choice. Just don’t forget the hashtag #LBHQuery so I can track them down easier and we’ll go from there!

Just to keep track, here’s the current standings in the Indie Bracket:

2015 Weekly Question-page-001

Next week, it’s the final second round match up in the Marvel bracket as the law takes on the law and I can assure that the law will win!

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