Weekly Question Indie Bracket Round One Match Three 02/26/15

In the weeks we’ve been doing this, it was bound to happen. It is the first time we have had two non-humans do battle. And it’s only going to get stranger from here on the indie side of things. First, in this corner, representing the IDW smash comics sensation My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle!


It was tough to choose which pony to represent the book. If my son had his say, it would have been Apple Jack. But he’s three and hasn’t figured out how to vote.

She does battle with perhaps her toughest challenge, from the Image title Chew, the number eleven seed and the Warrior Chicken, Poyo!


Twilight Sparkle wins 21-12

Perhaps you don’t want to contribute to the poll, that’s cool. You do your thing.  You can tweet your choice. Just don’t forget the hashtag #LBHQuery so I can track them down easier and we’ll go from there!

Next week, round three begins as we have the third round of the indie bracket. Very interested to see how that one will go.

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