Weekly Question Indie Bracket Round One Match Four 03/19/15

The indie bracket always brings the strangest matchups and this one is no different. First up, is the number four seed, the title character from the Ed Brubaker/Steve Epting Image series, Velvet:


The pitch for this character and this book is ‘What is Miss Moneypenny from James Bond was secretly a bad ass?’ If you have checked out Brubaker and Epting’s prior work on Captain America then you should really check this out.

And Velvet sees battle with the number twelve, on paper a seeming mismatch, Jo from Lumberjanes. She is the leader of the Roanoke Cabin at the Miss Quinzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types. Here’s a picture of her riding a flying reindeer unicorn thing with glowing eyes:


The book is a great all ages, kid friendly, girl friendly adventure but is also all out bonkers. This is writer Noelle Stevenson’s breakout hit which has lead to her taking over the Runaways franchise at Marvel and her star is on the rise!

Velvet wins 14 to 9

Perhaps you don’t want to contribute to the poll, that’s cool. You do your thing.  You can tweet your choice. Just don’t forget the hashtag #LBHQuery so I can track them down easier and we’ll go from there!

Next week, round four concludes with two Marvel characters who are alike and worlds apart at the same time.

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