Weekly Question Indie Bracket Round One Match Eight 06/18/15

This is the first match up I’m scared about. I have an imaginary horse in this battle and this will be the true test of how much influence this show has. In the final first round match up in the indie bracket, in this corner, the number eight seed, the She Devil with a Sword Red Sonja:

red sonja

She does battle with the number sixteen seed, the Red Hand of Doom himself, Hellboy:


Red Sonja wins 18 to 5

Perhaps you don’t want to contribute to the poll, that’s cool. You do your thing.  You can tweet your choice. Just don’t forget the hashtag #LBHQuery so I can track them down easier and we’ll go from there!

Next week, the final first round Marvel match up, and I’ll be looking to find some sweet Scott Kolins art to represent this one!

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