Weekly Question – Best Superman 01/28/16 Jan28


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Weekly Question – Best Superman 01/28/16

I like Superman a lot. Not as much as others do, but I think more people like the IDEA of Superman than actually Superman stories themselves. I started reading Superman when he looked like this:


right around the Doomsday stuff and many of the stories weren’t the best, even leading to stuff like this, for better or for worse:


But when a Superman story is good, it’s great. When it’s bad, it’s terrible. But we’re asking you, dear listener, what is the Best Superman. Is it this one? Let us now!


Just tweet us with your answer using the hash tag #LBHQuery. Don’t like or have Twitter? Need more room to explain your choice? Just leave a comment on this post!

We’ll compile up all the answers and talk about them on next week’s show!

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