Weekly Question – Best Optimus Prime 01/21/16 Jan21


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Weekly Question – Best Optimus Prime 01/21/16

I think I should have outsourced this one as I am not as versed in Transformers mythology as I am in most other things. But I’m attempting to do my due diligence as this week, we’re asking you to pick the best version of the lead Autobot, Optimus Prime:


They were mostly toys and cartoons for a while, they even had an animated film with death and swearing and a Weird Al song, which is very strange in retrospect, but then in the mid 2000’s they finally made the leap to live action film, making Prime look like this:


Now, having a four year old, outside of the Hulk, nothing is better than cars that turn into giant robots and this is the Rescue Bots version of Prime, which is very strangely shaped:



As my researched continued, there is a continuity where the Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are evil, which fascinates me to NO END.



This is just a drop of energon in the proverbial cube of different versions of Optimus Prime, were asking you, which one is the best.

Just tweet us with your answer using the hash tag #LBHQuery. Don’t like or have Twitter? Need more room to explain your choice? Just leave a comment on this post!

We’ll compile up all the answers and talk about them on next week’s show!

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