Weekly Question – Best GI Joe 03/24/16 Mar24


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Weekly Question – Best GI Joe 03/24/16


GI Joe originally started in the 60’s as simply a toy line to go along side Barbie. They had a resurgence in the 70’s along side Evil Knievel adding things like ‘life like hair’ and ‘kung fu grip’ but for me, it’s all about this toy line:


Now, this line was released in conjunction with a weekly cartoon and one of the most fondly remembered comic book series of all time from Marvel:


Now, the comic line has bounced around from Marvel to Image to IDW over the last 30 plus years and the toys are still on the shelves today, they’ve even had major motion pictures starring sure people as Bruce Willis and the Rock!


Say what you will about the cartoon, this may be one of the coolest things ever animated:

So, our question to you dear listener/reader, is what or who is the best GI Joe? Is it an era? Is it a specific Joe (or Cobra)? Whatever!

Just tweet us with your answer using the hash tag #LBHQuery. Don’t like or have Twitter? Need more room to explain your choice? Just leave a comment on this post!

We’ll compile up all the answers and talk about them on next week’s show!

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