Weekly Question 12/12/14 #LBHQuery Dec12


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Weekly Question 12/12/14 #LBHQuery

It’s the holiday season, which is my go-to for starting all of these articles on the website because, you know, it’s the holiday season and all, and it’s the time of giving and wanting. If you’ve listened to Brian and myself on recent episodes of Dadstractions, you’ve heard all the stuff I’ve got…errr…that SANTA is getting my son, the Man, for Christmas, that I barely have time to think of stuff for myself. But when I do wish, they look like this:


I do have a mask shift shelving system for my comics, but it can always be better. The majority of my material desires are of the comic book nature. Even gifts for the people have a comic book leaning toward them. I don’t think she reads the site, but my Mom almost got one of these for Christmas:


But I think we were afraid she was going to open it. So our question to you this week is what do you want for Christmas? Is it comic book related, in any way, shape or form? Price is no object for wishing, so even if you want this bad boy:


so be it. And if you do, be sure to show us a little love. Just tweet at us with the hashtag #LBHQuery or if you need more than 140 characters, tell us below and we’ll talk about it all on next week’s show!

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