Weekly Question 11/28/14 #LBHQuery

Happy Thanksgiving, Holidays, Shopping whatever you are doing this weekend. Hopefully listening to our latest episode. Maybe you already did and were brought here by that, so let’s get right to it!


The Justice Society of America. The team that started it all. The very first time a group of heroes banded together to face a greater evil.  Without them, there would be no Justice League, no Avengers, no Guardians of the Galaxy. Ok, maybe that last one is a stretch.

The JSA (more recent shorthand for the team) of late has been the legacy team where the kids or ancestors of the original group are part of the team or people carrying on the mantle of past heroes, making the Society fell more like a family than any other team.


Due to DC wonky time line (Todd would say “Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey”) pretty much everyone has been a member of the Justice Society of America. So the question this week, who is your favorite member ever of the Justice Society? Whomever it is, just tweet at us with the hashtag #LBHQuery or if you need more than 140 characters, tell us below and we’ll talk about it all on next week’s show!

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