Weekly Question 09/23/14 #LBHQuery

We here at Longbox Heroes read a lot of comics. Just wait until you see this week’s Pull Post, And in that, we come across books that we run hot and cold on. There are books that will be perennially on our lists, for me Spider-Man, for Todd, anything with a barbarian in it. But there are times when a character we love just isn’t doing “it” anymore.


I became a Captain America fan back in the pre-Heroes Reborn world when Mark Waid took over the title and LOVED it! And since then, every time a new creative team comes on to Steve Rodgers’ adventures, I give it a try. Currently, Cap is cold for me, and that’s not a frozen in a block of ice pun.


Other times, it’s a change in direction of the book. You’ll see plastered across the cover “All-New! All-Different!” or “A Bold New Chapter in so and so’s Life!” and a lot of times it’s writer looking to make his mark after taking over a widely successful book or the existing creative team trying to shake things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it causes people to head for the hills.

Where am I going with this? What is the current book that you wish was better?

Just tweet at us with the hashtag #LBHQuery or if you need more than 140 characters, tell us below and we’ll talk about it all on next week’s show!

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