So here we are, trying new things for the site. In 2015, barring a few breaks, we are going to be having a mega tournament to determine the official Longbox Heroes Character. There will be three Brackets, DC, Marvel and Indies, of sixteen characters each. Whilst many of these characters have different versions in media (TV shows, movies, etc.) or even past version, my mindset for this tournament is the current version shown in the comics. We will alternate between the three brackets each week, starting with DC. The first match of the first round sees the number one seed, Batman: Take on the number nine seed, the Flash (Barry Allen): Make your case heard. The person with the most votes moves on to the next round. Perhaps you don’t want to contribute to the poll, that’s cool. You can tweet your choice. Just don’t forget the hashtag #LBHQuery so I can track them down easier and we’ll go from there! Next week, we start the Indie...