Todd & Joe Have Issues 02/09/17 Thunderbolts #1 Feb09


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Todd & Joe Have Issues 02/09/17 Thunderbolts #1


Ah, 1996. A simpler time in comics. And by simpler, I mean quite a mess. DC was doing OK, but Marvel was on the cusp of bankruptcy. It was time to take some chances and boy did they. Some five years earlier, several big names creators, Jim Lee, Rob Leifeld, among others, left Marvel to form Image. Now, Marvel turned to them to re-imagine some of their biggest properties, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. But to do so, they shunted them off to their own pocket universe.


But wither the rest of the Marvel Universe? Enter the Thunderbolts!


A collections of never before seen heroes, led by the new Citizen V, looking to fill the void left by the loss of the to be believed dead Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. But maybe everything wasn’t what it seemed…


Now, I will not be revealing the last page secret of this issue that is almost 20 years old, because…something like this would NEVER happen in today’s comic climate!

Any discussion, thoughts, feelings, criticisms of this week’s selection can be placed below in the comments section. As well as suggestions about future choices for one shot issues to add to our list.

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